The Rho Zeta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated was founded on January 15, 2016 in Fredericksburg, VA.
The founding of the Rho Zeta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., was the work of several Brothers. There were many Brothers who lived in and around the Fredericksburg, VA communities, who felt the undying need to have Sigma represented well throughout the area. It was the intent of the Brothers to grow and expand Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., into Fredericksburg, VA and surrounding areas, due to the need for a more visible community presence and commitment to the education, scholarship, and mentoring of male students, in particular.
The Brothers being of diverse demographic backgrounds: Military, civilian, veteran prophytes, businessmen, ministers, civic leaders, etc., pledged to reach out and reclaim Brothers back to our wondrous band. By phone, E-mail, text messaging, Brothers were on the lines, THUNDERING BACK the call for SIGMAS.
Photo of the Charter Brothers below: